Friday, October 29, 2010

Review:Conception by Jennifer Hartz

Future Savior: Conception by Jennifer Hartz

Publisher: Desert Breeze Publishing
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Heat Rating: 2



"I do not think it is a question of where, but when." were the words that Charis left my mother with thirty years ago when I disappeared from Meric…before I was born.

Shortly after being sent back I've been attacked by man-eating Vaipes. I've learned that my father was a power wielding Guardian. I've discovered that the silvery-blue eyes intriguing me my entire life belong to my Watcher, Shaw who is without a doubt the most handsome man I have ever seen. And somehow I need to stop a war mongering tyrant who can manipulate people's thoughts.

So my question isn't where or when. It is how? How can I help the people of Meric when I can't stop myself from falling in love?

Clare's Review

Christina's life while not exciting is full filling. A High School PE teacher she is amused when one of her students asks her to the High School Prom, although she knocks back the request she can't get his blue eyes out of her mind. She's seen them before several times over the course of her life. That night she passes out in a restroom and wakens in a magical world to find she's not who she thought she was and her student isn't who she thought he was.

Russell is in fact Shaw, a shape shifter who has been watching over her the whole of her life. Transplanted into another woman's womb to keep her safe, Christina has been called to her homeland of Meric to save her people.

This story has everything a sci-fi or fantasy lover will enjoy. Elves, dwarves, (but not the ones Christina imagines from Earth culture) mythical creatures, not to mention green chickens and Biblical parallels, as Christina discovers who she is. The descriptions of Meric are wonderful, the country and it's people coming as alive as Tolkin's Middle Earth.

The first of a series of 4 books, this one ends on a cliff hanger. I shall definitely be looking out for the next one in the series. Well worth reading.

5 Tea Cups!

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1 comment:

cynfulcharm said...

I really like that cover, it catches the eye.


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