Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Review: Doctor in Petticoats by Paty Jager

Doctor in Petticoats by Paty Jager

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Genre: Historical Romance

Heat Rating: 1



After a life-altering accident and a failed relationship, Dr. Rachel Tarkiel gave up on love and settled for a life healing others as the physician at a School for the Blind. She's happy in her vocation--until handsome Clay Halsey shows up and inspires her to want more.

Blinded by a person he considered a friend, Clay curses his circumstances and his limitations. Intriguing Dr. Tarkiel shows him no pity, though. To her, he's as much a man as he ever was. Can these two wounded souls conquer outside obstacles, as well as their own internal fears, and find love?

Lena’s Review

How can he go on in life? How can he help his brothers at the mill when he can’t see? These are questions that keep Clay Halsey up at nights. Being blind for the first time is no picnic and Clay is going through life now like for the first time. All he has are his other senses, some he never used before. Going to the School of Blind was not his idea, but his brothers. A school that helps people like him get on with life is something that is hard for him right now. He expected a lot of things in the school like learning and trying to learn a trade. The last thing he expected was to fall in love. With his other senses like touch, smell, and hearing, he knows he has found the right woman in Doctor Rachel Tarkiel. She is the only one on his side who believes he can still do the same things he did before. Her trust in him is what gets him going, yet he feels she is hiding something from him. Can he find out what it is before people separate them from their love?

Doctor Rachel Tarkiel is many things; a great doctor, friend, sister and now Clay’s great love. As a doctor for the School of Blind she has to maintain propriety amongst her students. Yet something about Clay Halsey makes her feel like a woman again. It’s been years since she let her heart get in the way and knows this is a big mistake. Years ago she was injured, and because of it she has shied away from society and, well, men. Knowing that Clay is blind is somewhat of a relief for her for he doesn’t know who she really is. She is a doctor, but she is not your usual doctor for she has a secret of her own. A secret she knows will tear apart the new love that Clay has for her. Can she keep her identity a secret or will Clay find out about the real Dr. Rachel Tarkiel?

Love comes in many forms, usually as friends, then something else, yet Paty Jager created a new unique way. I loved that Clay is a man who has just been dealt the short stick in life. An injury took his sight but he is determined to be the usual Clay Halsey he was before. I liked that his brothers mean good to get him to the School of Blind but never considered his feelings. He may be determined, but he is not sure where his life is going right now. Then Paty Jager brings in Dr. Rachel Tarkiel who is definitely a woman that needs a man like Clay. These two together complement each other in every way from giving strength to Clay, to Clay giving Rachel what she has been missing in her life…which is real love. It was a great book about people never giving up on believing they can be something, and about finding that one love that will take your breath away each time you hear, smell or see them.

4 Tea Cups!

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Paty Jager said...

Thank you for the wonderful review, Lena!

I enjoyed writing Clay and Rachel's story.

Paty Jager

Tanya Hanson said...

Hi Paty, wonderful review...congrats! I know I'm going to lvoe this book. oxox

Paty Jager said...

Thanks Tanya!


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