Thursday, September 2, 2010

Interview with Author Tina Donahue (Giveaway)


Tina Donahue's Links

I’m a multi–published novelist in contemporary, historical and erotic romance. Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have praised my work. I’ve reached finals and /or placed in numerous RWA–sponsored contests. Before I became a novelist, I was the editor of an award–winning Midwestern newspaper and worked in Story Direction for a Hollywood production company.

Owned by one man, loved by another.

Abducted and delivered into sexual slavery, Lori has surrendered her will in order to survive. For more than a decade, she’s been known as Summer, her owner’s possession until he gives her to his newest lieutenant, a mysterious man called RJ.

Commanding and virile, RJ controls without cruelty and possesses without threat, engendering a mixture of safety and passion. In his strong arms, Summer enjoys carnal pleasure she’s never known and tenderness she’s craved. In his heated gaze, she experiences a sense of recognition she doesn’t immediately understand until it proves dangerous in a way she could never have imagined.

Bound by desire, need and growing love, RJ traverses the shadowy world of human trafficking, risking all for Summer’s freedom. But when he learns she harbors a fateful secret that threatens to tear her from him, they stand to lose everything.

How did you end up becoming a writer?

Actually, I’ve always been a writer. I wrote my first ‘book’ when I was nine years old and illustrated it. Then I made several copies and sold it to my friends’ parents in the neighborhood. My first book tour! :)

In college, I actually went into fashion design first, then moved into journalism. One of my creative writing teachers told me I should think about writing for a living. It was the first time I considered making money at it.

Where does the inspiration for writing your stories come from?

Everywhere. For Deep, Dark, Delicious I got the idea for the plot while I was watching Iron Chef America on the Food Network. For Lush Velvet Nights, I was watching a news magazine show (ala Inside Edition) that was reporting on women hiring escorts – that got me started on a plot. For In His Arms, my latest release, I started thinking about the storyline after I saw several news stories on young women being abducted and possibly sold into sexual slavery. The world is filled with ideas that jump out, urging me to incorporate them into a story.

What do you feel makes your stories stand apart from others in your genre(s)?

My style. Really, all the plots have been told and retold, the only thing a writer has to differentiate herself from others is her style. Reviewers and fans have both remarked that they like the way I build sexual tension until it’s at a fevered pitch, allowing the characters to get to know each other, for emotional build to come into play, before they’re fully intimate. I also have a wicked wit and that’s usually incorporated into my stories through dialogue and pillow talk.

What is your favorite thing about being an author? What keeps you going?

Living another woman’s life with a hot guy, steamy romance and an HEA is definitely my idea of a good time. J Having to write keeps me going. Writing isn’t something that you do like a regular job. There has to be a fire within, something that compels you to write no matter the odds. Without that, you’re not a writer. And without writing, a large part of me would cease to exist.

Do you like to read? If so, what are your favorite genres and authors?

I would rather read than do just about anything else.

I love romance, thrillers, horror and mainstream.

A few of my favorite authors are (in no particular order) Sol Stein, Hilma Wolitzer, Dean Koontz, Cormac McCarthy, Lawrence Sanders, Lisa Plumley, Emma Holly, and Patricia Grasso.

Are there any projects that you are currently working on?

I’m always working on something. I’m currently outlining and plotting my next erotic romance for Ellora’s Cave, along with a possible scifi series with a group of other EC authors.

Do you have any new releases coming out soon?

My latest novel In His Arms, is coming out tomorrow – September 3.


To celebrate the upcoming release of In His Arms, I’m offering a contest today. One lucky commenter will have her choice of one of my following books**:

Lush Velvet Nights – ebook
Adored – ebook
Deep, Dark, Delicious – ebook
Close to Perfect – mass market paperback
Bad Boys with Red Roses – trade paperback
Take My Breath Away – trade paperback

** Winner chosen at random. Winner in continental US has her choice of one of the six. Winner outside continental US has her choice of one of the ebooks

Thank you for the interview, Tina.

If you have any questions for Tina, you can either leave a comment here, or you can visit the Happily Ever After Reviews Yahoo Group and post a question or comment.

If you'd like your own Author Interview, please view our Services Page.


Gabby said...

Hi Miss Donahue! I liked your interview! I had a quick question for you from a professional author to an aspiring one.

As a writer what sort of hours do you keep? When would you say is the time of day your most the inspired?

Thanks Gabrielle.

Gabby said...

Sorry I just thought of another question.

Have movies ever given you ideas for a story?

Tina Donahue said...

Hey Gabby - I get up at 2 a.m. every morning - 7 days a week - to write. During the weekdays, I write until 6 a.m. when I go to my day job. Only the weekends, I have the luxury of writing as much as I want. :)

I've never gotten any ideas from movies; however, I tend to like films like "Million Dollar Baby" that have an intense emotional pull and rich characterization. That's not to say I don't like adventure and scifi - I thought "The Matrix" was awesome and I loved "Executive Decision"

N.J.Walters said...

Great interview! In His Arms sounds fantastic. Congrats on it's release, Tina!

Krista Plott said...

Hi Tina, great interview and can't wait to read "In his Arms" and i love that cover.

Do you ever see yourself quitting your day job and writing full time??

Thanks for taking the time to hear from us!


Sarah J. McNeal said...

When I read the part where you wrote a book with the Food Network as inspiration, well, I knew that had to be my partner in crime, Tina Donahue. Loved your interview and I am anxiously waiting to get your new release In His Arms. I know it's going to be deep, emotional and totally wonderful.
Sarah McNeal

Tina Donahue said...

Thanks, NJ - I'm very excited about the release of In His Arms!

Hey, Krista - I think about that all the time - soon as I start making enough $$ at writing, I'm going to do it full time. :)

Sarah - hey!! Thanks for your kind comments, good buddy. :)

VenusBookluvr said...

Wonderful interview Tina.
I think it is funny I stay up to read and write, when you are getting up I'm just going to bed :-)

Tina Donahue said...

Hi, Venus - yeah, we're definitely on different schedules, but as long as the writing gets done - that's all that matters! :)

Dawn ♥ romance said...

Hi Tina, your new book sounds good. I haven't read any of your books yet but have read some Bad Boy books which are always fun. Thanks for giveaway.

Rebecca Rose said...

Hi Tina!

You know I'll be picking up the new book!
I love your writing but how the heck do you get up at 2 am? WOW

Have a sparkling day!
Rebecca Rose

Anonymous said...

While writing, have you ever been surprised by what one of your characters do? Or do you have it all planned out?

Tina Donahue said...

Hi, Dawn - thanks for stopping by!

Rebecca!! How are you? Sheer force of will gets me up so early, and the chance to be with my fav people - my characters. :)

Tina Donahue said...

Hey, Patsy - well, I do have it all planned out, but yes, my characters surprise me all the time. After about page 5, they begin to come alive and generally do whatever they please. :)

Fedora said...

Waving hi, Tina! I love reading your interviews--it's a pleasure getting to know different sides of your personal story :) Congrats on In His Arms--sounds like another delicious story!

Tina Donahue said...

Waving back, flchen1!!! Thanks for your kind words about In His Arms - it's a book close to my heart. :)

desitheblonde said...

hi tina i got you on face book and ty for it and the book is great would love to read yours

Tina Donahue said...

Hey, Desi - I saw your Facebook message. :)

Good luck in the drawing, sweetie!

Jane said...

Hi Tina,
Yay, tomorrow is release day. Congrats. We'll finally be able to meet RJ and Summer.

Tina Donahue said...

Hi, Jane!! I'm really excited about its release - I just love RJ and Summer. :)

Elaine G said...

great interview.Tina you've been blessed with some pretty hot covers. they are great.


Good post. I have been following your posts and am glad today is the day. Many sales.


Tina Donahue said...

Hi, elaing8 and Loretta - yeah, today is the day!! Whoo-eee...I'm very excited.

Thank you ladies for stopping by - good luck in the drawing. :)

Unknown said...

HI Tina! Glad to ahve you discovered :-)

Ménage by Emma Holly was my very first erotica I read and remains to this day one of my favourite :-D

Can you remember what novel initiated you? :-)

Congrats on the release!! woohoo! (And your covers and so HOT! Wow)

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

Cecile Smutty Hussy said...

Oh wow, what a great interview ladies! It is always neat to learn new things! And Ms. Tina, your covers are definitely... *cough* hot!
Congrats on your release!

Tina Donahue said...

Hey, Stella - I love Emma Holly too. I'd say her book "Top of Her Game" initiated me. :)

Hey, Cecile - thanks!! That is one hot cover for In His Arms, isn't it?? :)

Tina Donahue said...

Okay, I've just randomly selected by winner and she is (DRUM ROLL PLEASE)



I'll be contacting you shortly for your prize.

And thanks to all who participated. Check out my site: for more contests!! :)


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