Thursday, October 14, 2010

Review: Blood Moon by Ellen Keener

Blood Moon by Ellen Keener

Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Heat Rating: 2



Fugitive shifter, Aria Legreve, is always on the run. With her own life at risk, she helps a badly beaten shifter to his Pack, knowing the danger her meddling entails. Hoping to use her status as an Outcast and be set free, her world changes when she meets head on with no other than her Mate—who is dead.

Alpha Lukas MacLeod has been searching for his wife for the past year, until Aria walks straight into his lair. Fate intervenes and gives them a second chance. Caught up in an intricate web of lies and prophecies in the making for generations, Aria and Lukas must discover a way to balance the darkness in their world, but will their love be strong enough to save their pack and each other?

Monica’s Review

Blood Moon by Ellen Keener had characters, Aria and Lukas, that were amazing. I just fell in love with the story of Aria losing her mate in the middle of their mating ritual and all of a sudden finding Lukas again almost 2 years later. How she kept a flannel shirt that belonged to Lukas just to try to keep his scent with her just makes you want to cry. There is so much joy that Aria will experience her mate, a family where she can belong to but also fear of how she can lose everything in a blink of an eye.

The only problem is that there is another wolf that is after her, Haemon who will not leave her alone because he wants her as a mate. The writing that Kenner has done to tell the reader about what kind of life Aria has lived out in the world alone, always running because of Haemon, is just wonderful. After saving a young wolf from some of Haemon’s pack, Aria is set on taking him back to his pack so they can care for him but she has a huge surprise in store for her in learning who the Alpha is in this pack. Will Aria be set in her ways like always and run away like many other times?

This book is so interesting and emotional and you just want to keep reading to see how Aria and Lukas are going to deal with Haemon and everything he has done to Aria. There is a surprise in the story that will make you want to cry when it is revealed. You will feel excitement, terror, helplessness and then joy all at once. It is just amazing. The title of this book tells it all “Blood Moon”. I recommend this book to be read by anyone that loves shape shifters. Ellen Keener did an awesome job!

4 1/2 Tea Cups!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks so much for such an awesome review! I'm so glad you liked the story.


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