Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Review: The Gelid Woman by Lillith Payne

The Gelid Woman by Lillith Payne

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand Publishing
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Heat Rating: 2



Liz has been on automatic pilot, her emotions frozen since her divorce. In the last three years, she's managed to survive, focusing on her gallery and refusing to second-guess her decisions.

Carter knew he was wrong but waited for Liz to stop the divorce proceedings. When she didn't, he refused to grovel, pushing forward with his unfulfilling life.

Now, circumstances created by strangers taking advantage of their private life threaten both their futures. Having to view their precious lovemaking on a pirated video opens old wounds neither healed. They'll have to stand together as a united front to work through the awful situation.

The video, while embarrassing, forces them both to put aside their personal feelings and revisit the marriage neither fought for. Thrown together to protect their privacy, will they finally be able to get past her pride and his ego?

Monica’s Review

The Gelid Woman by Lillith Payne is a wonderful book. The way Payne wrote out their love story and how it would have continued if certain circumstances did not get in the way, was great. Elizabeth cannot let her pride down but Carter does not fall very far behind with his ego. Since they were not able to communicate what actions were done by Carter and Elizabeth, they divorced. Payne did a wonderful job in writing how a one night of passion for their 5th Wedding Anniversary has just ruined their lives, their private moments together taking from them. Elizabeth and Carter will have to face this together to overcome this tragic incident. Will they find their love back and reconcile after 3 years of not seeing each other? Payne did a wonderful walk through of the how the villains that pirated their lovemaking paid their justices.

Payne’s characters were very well defined, Elizabeth Maitland is an ambitious, independent woman but with amazing pride and a wall to cover up her true feelings. Carter Alton is a man with a big ego—not going to clarify the situation that he was caught in that altered his life. Carter regrets every minute of his life and regrets not going for what he wanted. Payne describes their intense situation so well that you can only be carried in their intense pain, especially Elizabeth. How can someone just violate their privacy and think that Elizabeth and Carter won't retaliate against them. Elizabeth holds her ground and it amazed me on how she composed herself and defended herself and Carter.

I highly recommend this book, The Gelid Woman by Lillith Payne, it was amazing. The way Elizabeth and Carter lost their love due to them not communicating their actions or feelings, but found love again. I love how the book has a beginning and ending and everything in-between, experiencing all the courageous moves in order not to have their lovemaking tape out in the public eye. All questions are answered and justice is paid.

5 Tea Cups!

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