Monday, February 28, 2011

Review: The First Real Thing by Cat Grant

The First Real Thing by Cat Grant

Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Genre: Alternative Romance

Heat Rating: 3



My name’s Cameron. And I’m a male escort. I’m the best, and most expensive, at what I do. I have one rule—never let anyone in.

In five years of hooking I’ve never picked up the wrong guy. But when I met Toronto ad man Trevor Barclay in a Manhattan bar, his soft green eyes and shy smile drew me right in. When I discovered the error I had made, I should have written it off as a mistake and moved on. But memories of the steamy encounter we shared in his hotel room continued to haunt me.

I never should have agreed to see him again, but from that very first night he worked his way under my skin and into my heart. I can’t stop thinking about him. But how can I tell him the first man he’s been with in sixteen years sells himself for a living?

Ren's Review

The First Real Thing tells the love story of Cameron and Trevor. This is the prequel to Appearing Nightly, of which I have already reviewed.

This is told by Cameron’s point of view. He’s a male escort who loves what he does and he knows he is good at it. A chance meeting with Trevor changes everything for him.

I really enjoyed Cameron’s story simply for the fact that he tells it like it is. He claims that he doesn’t believe in that hooker-with-a-heart-of-gold stuff, that real life isn’t like that. You can’t help but to feel for Cameron as he finds himself in a situation of his own making.

Cameron sees Trevor at the bar and approaches him. There’s something about this particular man that sets off all of those feelings that Cameron can’t afford to have. They share a night of explosive passion and emotionally, Cameron finds himself in big trouble. Matters only get worse when Cameron realizes he’s made a major mistake. Trevor, on the other hand, is completely unaware of Cameron’s other life. This motivates Cameron to try and find a way so that they can be together.

Ms. Grant has crafted really good story in that it doesn’t attempt to blow smoke up your behind. The characters are well written, enabling the reader to connect with their emotional highs and lows. Mike, Cameron’s best friend, brings his own flair to the story which in turn sets up the sequel, Appearing Nightly. The First Real Thing has a fast paced storyline with lots of “Oh No!” moments that will leave you wanting more.

4 1/2 Tea Cups!

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