Thursday, September 16, 2010

Author Interview with Rachel Brimble


Rachel Brimble's Links

At the mention of an arranged marriage, Elizabeth Caughley feels her life is over at the age of three and twenty….so she hatches an escape plan. She will reinvent herself as a housemaid. Overnight, Elizabeth becomes Lily…

Viscount Westrop wants nothing more than his legacy to be passed to his own son one day. Even though he feels insurmountable pity for the unborn child already, he knows how much pain a broken promise can cause and will do what is right. But with the arrival of his new housemaid, his plans are thrown into disarray. Lily is funny, feisty and the most beautiful creature on earth – Andrew is thunderstruck. But if anyone suspects how much he wants to ravish her and endlessly love her, Andrew’s lineage will be in peril. And he cannot let that happen…

How did you end up becoming a writer?

It’s something I’ve wanted to do since I was a young girl reading ‘Sweet Valley High’ books but when I got closer to leaving school, the need to earn my own money took over and I ended up getting a ‘real job’ in a bank where I stayed for the next ten years.

But when I gave birth to my second daughter and knew I would be staying at home full-time, that was when I started writing again and this time, nothing would sway me from my goal of success. My first novel was accepted by The Wild Rose Press in 2006 and I’ve never stopped writing since.

What is your favorite thing about being an author? What keeps you going?

All of it! I love the planning, the writing, the editing, receiving the cover art for this first time…and it’s compulsion that keeps me going. If I don’t write daily, it really affects me as a person – ask my husband!

Where do you find names for your characters?

Oooh, this is always the hardest thing for me! I don’t have any special way of choosing them and I envy the authors who ‘just know’ their characters names. It’s usually a painful process of trial and error. I usually throw out five or six first and surnames until I find the combination that feels just right.

Who (or what) do you feel inspired your writing style the most?

I hope that my personality comes through in my style rather than the inspiration of other writers. My books are often described by readers as emotional, sexy and funny - and that’s for both the contemporary and historical books which is great by me!

Do you like to read? If so, what are your favorite genres and authors?

I would read all the time if I could! My favourite genres are romantic suspense (Nora Roberts/Tami Hoag), what I refer to as ‘dramatic fiction’ (Jodi Picoult) and historical fiction (Philippa Gregory)

Are there any projects that you are currently working on?

I am currently working on my second erotic romance, tentatively entitled Take Me Home and my second historical romance set in Victorian Bath, England.

I usually try to work on one Rachel Brimble project and one Rachel Leigh at any given time.

Do you have any new releases coming out soon?

Yes! My next release is my first novella-length story called Transatlantic Loving which is contracted as part of the Class of ’85 series with The Wild Rose Press. I haven’t had a release date confirmed yet but I am sure it will be in October time.

I am also waiting for my release date for my erotic romance Explicitly English again from The Wild Rose Press which is very exciting.

And finally, my next full-length novel is due for release in January 2011. A contemporary romance about second chances from Lyrical Press, called Getting It Right This Time.

Thanks so much for this interview, I’ve really enjoyed it!

If you have any questions for Rachel, you can either leave a comment here, or you can visit the Happily Ever After Reviews Yahoo Group and post a question or comment.

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Sondrae Bennett said...

Nice interview! I know what you mean about writing daily. When I don't find time during the day to write (even just a couple hours) I get start feeling really guilty (like I let my characters down or something).

Rachel Brimble said...

Hi Sondrae,

Nice to meet you! How long have you been writing? I could spend all day talking to others writers about our obsessio, couldn't you?

Rachel x

Sondrae Bennett said...

Absolutely! I love talking with other writers.

I've been writing for a long time but have only gotten serious about it the past year when I started submitting to publishers. My first e-book comes out in January and I couldn't be more excited! I've been a long time reader of pretty much everything romance.

Rachel Brimble said...

Great talking to you, Sondrae - I have just sent you an email as we both have a new book come out with Lyrical in January!

Rachel x

Rachel Brimble said...

Great talking to you, Sondrae - I have just sent you an email as we both have a new book come out with Lyrical in January!

Rachel x


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