Saturday, January 22, 2011

Review: Shadow-Time Lover by R. Casteel

Shadow-Time Lover by R. Casteel

Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Heat Rating:3



A man by day and a beast by night, Filip has roamed the mountains of Romania for longer than he wants to remember. To break the witch’s curse and set him free, a virgin’s blood must be shed upon the Rock of Sacrifice.

Zolona is the last of her father’s daughters to remain a virgin, and the last hope for removing the curse from the land. Her courage must hold when she comes face-to-face with the beast.

Enter a medieval world of lords and ladies, witch’s curses, deceit and lies. Where death stalks the night, and the future is laid upon the altar for a desperate chance at happiness.

Publisher’s Note: Previously available in the Forever Midnight anthology.

Hunter’s Review

Um. Okay. This book starts out very well. The beginning is very intense. As the reader, you’re not sure what is going to happen but that something bad is on the way. I was really excited to see what was coming. But then the ‘event,’ which is how I am going to refer to what happens next, happens and I almost had to put down the book.

There is a fine line for me between what is okay and what is not okay in books. Ellora’s Cave has guidelines there authors must follow and they can’t cross certain lines. I would argue that R. Casteel’s book comes close to crossing that line.

For me, it also spoiled the rest of the book. I would suggest that if you want to read something really close to crossing certain boundaries, then you will enjoy this book.

2 Tea Cups!


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